My basement Gym sat dormant for nearly ten years after a very bad fall off of a roman chair in October of 2010. Now do to the global pandemic I would have to rush this gym space back into service.
Had no idea this was going to become a full video series after goofing around on this first video.
A couple of tips on how to execute the bench press. This is the first official instructional video for the dungeon gym.
part 2 of how I bench press
A couple of quick safety tips for safe execution of the bench press
Introduction on the Deadlift
Tips on form while performing the deadlift.
The Deadlift is a beast but I Love the Bench Press
Dumbbell bench press and the benefits of using dumbbells vs barbells
Unilateral vs Bilateral movements
Some of the things to look for when buying a weight bench
Standard weight benches and Olympic weight benches
Since I've been at home I've had to relay on a lot of compound movements. The bench press is at the to of the list.
The first tour of the gym space and basement. Making the most of the time I have on my hand getting my gym and my house in order.
The renovation of the basement/gym was ten years in the making. More like ten year of procrastination.
Dumbbell Rows for the back
Unfortunately leaking rain water has been a problem at Defiant-Resolute Gym. It's a problem that I continue to try and fix.
Even thought the global pandemic has given me more time to work on the basement and gym space; something I put off to years it is a very trying time.
This is and intro to What to look for when buying dumbbells a two part video. That leak is still an issue. lol
One of the most versatile pieces of equipment the dumbbells
You need dumbbells! Even if it those 5lb pink neoprene dumbbells.